Hi, I am

Joseph Konka

Data Science Specialist & Trainer

Passionate about Data Transformation and Technology Innovation. Data Science Professional with +4 years experience as Data Scientist and Data Analyst. My expertises range from programming, data integration, data visualization to machine learning and operations with a focus on Python based-tools.

Data for Business

Delivery more value with data

Data offer organizations the opportunity to make better decisons. Every organization needs to know what's going on. Without data, you’re just another person with an opinion', W. Edwards Deming. Data can be a game changer for every bussiness. consetetur sadipscing elitr, Data will help you to understand the behaviour of your customers and identify new opportunities. vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus.

The biggest challenge for organizations in the deployment of their data strategy is the collection of data and their reliability. Once the data is at hand, the possibilities are enormous. My main mission is to use data to help my organization to know what happened, understand why and predict what will happen in order to make better decisons.

If you are looking for a Data Expert to help your organization in his Data Transformation process, I'm the guy you need. Let's discuss about our collaboration. I will help to define your data strategy and implement your analytical project successfully.

Discover more about me.


I'm Joseph Konka, data science professional from Togo. I am currently working as Ad Hoc Analytics Officer at Togocom in Lomé.

I have a background in mathematics. I started my data science journey trough Africa Tech Up Tour Bootcamp in 2019, I learnt about Python, Data Science, Machine Learning, Git, Docker. I also learn online on my free time developing strong skills. I am currently doing an Executive Master in Artificial Intelligence & Data Analytics at HEC Maroc.

Since my beginings at Rintio, I've worked on various subjects and I develop several data skills my data carera in November 2019 as Trainee Data Scientist at RINTIO. During over two years, I've mainly working on deep learning using Python frameworks. After over three years, I consider myself as a polyvalent Data Analyst and Data Scientist.

On the other hand, I actively share Python and Data Science content through Algo Jungle. It is my way of contributing to the community and sharing knowledge in my areas of expertise.

My life is not only Python and Data. I also spend my time in playing games, reading or watching movies and football matches.

Kind reagards !
Joseph Konka

Batman would be jealous.


01Python Programming

As a data professional, I excel in Python programming with a focus on automation and API development. With Python, I can create efficient and scalable solutions to automate repetitive tasks and streamline workflows. I leverage Python's extensive libraries and frameworks to develop robust APIs that facilitate seamless data integration, enabling efficient communication between different systems and applications.

02Data Integration

Data integration is a crucial skill in the field of data science. I have expertise in seamlessly merging data from various sources, ensuring data quality and consistency. By leveraging different integration techniques and tools, I can efficiently combine structured and unstructured data, enabling a holistic view of the data landscape.

03Data Analytics

Data analysis is at the core of my skill set. With a deep understanding of statistical methods and data visualization techniques, I can uncover valuable insights from complex datasets. By applying exploratory and inferential analysis, I derive meaningful conclusions and make data-driven recommendations, empowering businesses to make informed decisions.

04Machine Learning

Machine learning is a key component of modern data science. With expertise in machine learning algorithms and techniques, I can build predictive models and develop intelligent systems that learn from data. By leveraging machine learning, I unlock the potential to automate processes, detect patterns, and make accurate predictions, driving actionable insights.

Lazy isn't in my vocabulary.


Yes. I've been around.


Batman would be jealous.


Algo Jungle

Algo Jungle is an e-learning platform dedicated to computer science evangelism with a special focus on algorithms. Below the covered topics:

  • Algorithms & Data Structures
  • Programming (C & Python)
  • Business Intelligence & Data Analytics
  • Data Science & Machine Learning

URL: https://joekakone.github.io/algojungle/

Databases Analytics Tools

DB Analytics Tools is a open source micro-framework that helps data analysts to work with relational databases (data warehouses).

  • Execute SQL queries (DDL/DCL/DML)
  • Run ETL SQL Procedures
  • Data Import & Export
  • Supports Postgres & SQL Server

Project URL: https://pypi.org/project/db-analytics-tools/

Covid19 Tracker

In response to coronavirus crisis which touched the world specially West Africa , I created ECOWAS Covid19 Tracker, a dashboard built with Python and Bokeh to follow in real time the evolution of the crisis through West Africa zone.

Tools: Python, Pandas, Bokeh, AddThis

Source Code: https://github.com/joekakone/covid19-tracker-for-ecowas


You can build dashbord using Bokeh library. This one is an example, it's called Deputes.fr baed on French parliament data. It is an bokeh web application. You can see the dashboard.

Tools: Python, Pandas, Bokeh

Source Code: https://github.com/joekakone/deputes-fr

Jobs Tracker

Jobs Tracker is a job alert system which allow users to configure notifications alerts about specific jobs in Togo. Initially , I created it for my personal need to track jobs offers in Lomé.

  • Extract jobs offers from Emploi.tg and Emploitogo.info
  • Match jobs offers with key words
  • Send email with list of matched offers

Tools: Python, Requests, BeautifulSoup, Bokeh, AddThis

URL: https://github.com/joekakone/jobs-tracker

I will show you the way.


Let's get in touch.



Lomé, Togo

Feel free to send me a message